2020 will go down as one of the most challenging years we collectively experienced. Despite the tough year, like many of you, I am optimistic for the upcoming new year and hopeful for 2021. As the year ends, many of us are working on the tradition of New Year’s resolutions and goals. I offer a new lens for determining what you plan to accomplish in 2021. Instead of setting resolutions, take a page out of the business world, and develop quarterly SMART objectives. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound for those of you who may not be aware. After completing my MBA, I pulled back from goals and focused on SMART objectives, and it transformed my life. Goals are good, and I believe in them. Still, they are too general and often have no real action plan. Frequently New Year’s goals are abandoned before the end of the month. SMART objectives force more accountability and increase your focus.
Let me use one of the most common resolutions every year; many will say, "this year, I will lose weight." This is a great goal, but what does that really mean? The statement does not hold you accountable. Instead, transform this into a SMART objective. Here is a personal story, pre-COVID I was too heavy; I was 215lbs. I decided to take action. I set a target weight of 190 lbs in six months. That was the goal, but I created SMART objectives to drive my accountability. The objectives are the specifics that accomplish the goal. For example, here was my first objective, "I will run 15 miles every week from April 1 - April 30.” As you can see, it is specific, I can measure it, very attainable, it's realistic and time-bound; and yes, I achieved my target and actually ended up at 188lbs.
When I teach my communication students or do my job at work, I focus on SMART, which helps me deliver more value to an organization. I admit it's tedious and a challenging process, but it increased my ability to get things accomplished. As you look toward 2021 and begin to prepare those New Year's resolutions, make a paradigm shift, develop SMART objectives to optimize your success.
Regardless of the situation, SMART objectives create the roadmap to accomplish your goals. Have a great New Year and Happy SMART objective creating.